About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità is a peer reviewed quarterly science journal which publishes research articles in biomedicine, translational research and in many other disciplines of the health sciences. The journal includes the following material: original articles, reviews, commentaries, editorials, brief and technical notes, book reviews.

The publication of Monographic Sections has been discontinued. In case you wish to present a small number of coordinated contributions on specific themes concerning priorities in public health, please contact the Editorial office. 

If only regional or Italian data are presented in the manuscript, these should be compared with similar data available at European or international level.

The journal is in English.

Annali dell’Istituto Superiore di Sanità is indexed in
- EMBASE/Excerpta Medica
- ProQuest

Annali follows the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publications of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals, issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

Annali is an open access journal and is listed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). Its articles are published under a CC By-NC-ND license.

Peer Review Process

Each paper submitted to Annali is normally subjected to the following procedures:

  • it is reviewed by the Editor-in-chief for general suitability;
  • if it is judged suitable, qualified referees are selected and a peer review process takes place;
  • based on the recommendations of the referees and replies of the authors, the Editor-in-chief decides whether the article should be accepted, modified or rejected;
  • Authors should present their modified paper within one month, otherwise it will be considered withdrawn.
Review Guidelines

Every manuscript is reviewed by at least two reviewers (one from ISS).

Reviews are single blind, that is, the identity of the Author(s) is known to the referees but not vice versa.

Authors may suggest reviewers, but it is up to the Editor-in-chief to consider them or not.

Reviewers are asked to evaluate manuscripts normally within two weeks.

There are four categories for decision:

1) acceptable in the present form;

2) acceptable after minor revision;

3) acceptable after major revision;

4) rejected.

Reviewers evaluate each submission on the basis of the Guidelines to Referees, and submit a written report to the Editor-in-chief.

The Editor-in-chief is the only person who can officially accept a paper, in consultation with the Editorial Board and the reviewers.

Publication Frequency

Annali is published quarterly.

Open Access Policy

This is an open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initivative (BOAI) definition of open access.


The journal is freely available online.

Printed copies of the journal can be received by subscription or in exchange with periodicals of interest to the Institute. To subscribe to Annali or purchase separate issues contact:

Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
Ufficio abbonamenti
Via San Giovanni Valdarno 8
00138 Rome, Italy
Ph.: +39 0686282324
Fax: 06 86282250
E-mail: abbonamenti@pensiero.it

Italy individual subscription € 57,00
Italy institutional subscription € 67,00
Other countries € 67,00
Each quarterly issue
Italy | other countries € 21,00.

ISSN: 0021-2571 (print)

 ISSN: 2384-8553 (online)


Articles and submissions processing charges (APC)

Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità does not ask for articles and submissions processing charges (APC).

Journal History

Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità is a quarterly scientific journal.

Taking up the tradition of Rendiconti (published since 1938, a few years after the foundation of the Institute itself), Annali is published since 1965, dealing with the different fields of public health.

All previous issues of Annali (1965-2013) are available online at www.iss.it/annali

Journal publisher

Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS)

ISS mission

Research and trial

The Institute conducts scientific research in a wide variety of fields, from cutting-edge molecular and genetic research to population-based studies of risk factors for disease and disability. Research priorities are based on those set forth in the National Health Plan. The Institute is also involved in several major clinical trials, which are frequently conducted in cooperation with the Scientific Institutes for Research and Care (IRCCS) network and Hospitals.

Inspection, monitoring and certification

An important activity of the Institute, which is mandated by the Minister of Health or the Regions, is certification of the chemical and biological purity of drugs and vaccines, as well as inspection and quality control of medical and diagnostic devices and equipment, food products and packaging. It monitors trends in disease, mortality and other health factors and provides technical support for health-related environmental surveys and for investigations of epidemics and other public health problems at national, regional and local level. It also supervises the laboratories engaged in the testing of prohibited substances in sport and the national veterinary institutes. Finally, it has an important role in monitoring and coordinating blood transfusion services and plasma production in Italy.