Vol. 61 No. 1 (2025)
Original Articles
Monitoring prevalence of breastfeeding and associated factors: results of the 2022 data collection of the Italian surveillance of children aged 0-2 years
Awareness of digital tomosynthesis and attitudes towards breast cancer early diagnosis in women at first screening: findings from the IMPETO trial survey
Exploring perceptions of vaccine safety: an Italian national survey on different COVID-19 vaccine formulations
Life project: a scoping review of assessment tools for persons with autism spectrum disorder
Assessing brain vascular impairment, white matter lesions and ApoE status as predictors of behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) in a multicentre sample of patients with Alzheimer’s disease: a multidisciplinary retrospective study
Monitoring of antibiotic residues in muscles, milk and eggs of food-producing animals in Umbria and Marche regions (Central Italy) during the period time 2012-2021
Health promotion at the beach: lessons learned from the “safe beaches” education project
Relative excess measures of effect and their use in health impact assessment
Ten years after Regulation 536/2014: ethical reflection on the role of Ethics Committees in Italy