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Rubella immunity status and the active offer of MMR/MMRV vaccination during pregnancy
Introduction. The rubella test during pregnancy makes it possible to identify situations at risk of congenital rubella and those pregnant mothers who should be offered the MMR vaccine. Materials and methods. The Authors analysed test coverage and the immunity status of pregnant mothers between 2005 and 2017, using birth attendance certificates.
Results. Rubella test coverage on 61,437 pregnant mothers was 99.4%. The average proportion of susceptible subjects was 6.4%. Seroconversion was observed in 7 cases, with 1 confirmed case of congenital rubella. 32% of susceptible subjects were vaccinated, and adherence was seen to be influenced by the characteristics of the pregnant women and of the maternity unit.
Conclusions. A current information flow including a number of healthcare services, is useful both for monitoring the maternity care pathway and for public health purposes.
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How to Cite
Piffer, S., Pedron, M., Dal Martello, M., Caciagli, P., Lanzafame, P., Saugo, M., & Ferro, A. (2021). Rubella immunity status and the active offer of MMR/MMRV vaccination during pregnancy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 57(1), 26–32. Retrieved from
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