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COVID-19 mortality among migrants living in Italy



We aimed to compare COVID-19-specific and all-cause mortality rates among natives and migrants in Italy and to investigate the clinical characteristics of individuals dying with COVID-19 by native/migrant status.  

The mortality rates and detailed clinical characteristics of natives and migrants dying with COVID-19 were explored by considering the medical charts of a representative sample of patients deceased in Italian hospitals (n=2,687). The migrant or native status was assigned based on the individual’s country of birth. The expected all-cause mortality among natives and migrants living in Italy was derived by the last available (2018) dataset provided by the Italian National Institute of Statistics.

Overall, 68 individuals with a migration background were identified. The proportions of natives and migrants among the COVID-19-related deaths (97.5% and 2.5%, respectively) were similar to the relative all-cause mortality rates estimated in Italy in 2018 (97.4% and 2.6%, respectively). The clinical phenotype of migrants dying with COVID-19 was similar to that of natives except for the younger age at death.      

International migrants living in Italy do not have a mortality advantage for COVID-19 and are exposed to the risk of poor outcomes as their native counterparts.


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Marco Canevelli

Luigi Palmieri

Valeria Raparelli

Ornella Punzo

Chiara Donfrancesco

Cinzia Lo Noce

Nicola Vanacore

Silvio Brusaferro

Graziano Onder

and the Italian National Institute of Health COVID-19 Mortality Group

How to Cite
Canevelli, M., Palmieri, L., Raparelli, V., Punzo, O., Donfrancesco, C., Lo Noce, C., Vanacore, N., Brusaferro, S., Onder, G., & the Italian National Institute of Health COVID-19 Mortality Group, and. (2020). COVID-19 mortality among migrants living in Italy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 56(3), 373–377. Retrieved from
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