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Dioxins and PCBs contamination in mussels from Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy): a seven years spatio-temporal monitoring study
Introduction. Taranto is of particular Public Health relevance for the presence of industrial
sources of dioxins and PCBs. The aim of this study was to monitor these pollutants
in mussels produced from 2012 to 2018.
Materials and methods. Mussels were collected on a monthly basis with random sampling.
Concentrations were determined through accredited methods.
Results. 622 samples were collected. Dioxins and PCBs showed higher median concentrations
in Mar Piccolo 1st Inlet (p s <0.0001; Dioxins: 1.43 pg WHO-TEQ/g ww;
Dioxins+DL-PCBs: 5.98 pg WHO-TEQ/g ww; DL-PCBs: 4.57 pg WHO-TEQ/g ww;
NDL-PCBs: 61.54 ng/g ww) and in III trimester for all basins (p s <0.02). In Mar Piccolo
1 st Inlet, there was a linear increase of dioxins and PCBs moving North (p s <0.05).
Conclusions. These findings confirmed higher concentrations in Mar Piccolo 1 st Inlet
during the summer period and supported the validity of the Public Health measures
adopted by the Department of Prevention of Taranto.
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How to Cite
Giannico, O. V., Desiante, F., Basile, F. C., Franco, E., Baldacci, S., Fragnelli, G. R., Diletti, G., & Conversano, M. (2020). Dioxins and PCBs contamination in mussels from Taranto (Ionian Sea, Southern Italy): a seven years spatio-temporal monitoring study. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 56(4), 452–461. Retrieved from
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