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Exploring methods for the assessment of temporal trends in mortality and hospitalization in Italian industrially contaminated sites



Introduction. The Italian contaminated sites of interest for remediation are monitored by SENTIERI, an epidemiological surveillance system describing the health status of populations living nearby these sites. There is an increasing concern on how to assess temporal changes in the health status of these populations. Methods. A sequence of three statistical techniques was adopted to analyse temporal trends of mortality and hospitalization, by using different indicators and reference populations, in a sample of 36 sites with industrial sources of contamination monitored by SENTIERI. Results. Positive temporal trends in health risks are detected reflecting mainly long term effects of industrial activities. The adopted methodology identifies multiple factors influencing the temporal patterns: type of health outcomes, type of disease, and its link with gender and type of emission sources. Conclusions. Reliable methods to assess health profile changes in local populations attributable to contaminations are key elements to measure the impact of remediation activities.


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Vittoria La Serra

Roberto Pasetto

Valerio Manno

Ivano Iavarone

Giovanna Jona Lasinio

Giada Minelli - Unit of Statistics-Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome, Italy

How to Cite
La Serra, V., Pasetto, R. ., Manno, . V. ., Iavarone, . I., Lasinio , G. J. ., & Minelli, G. (2021). Exploring methods for the assessment of temporal trends in mortality and hospitalization in Italian industrially contaminated sites. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 57(2), 183–192. Retrieved from
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