Screening for celiac disease among the personnel in active service of an Italian Armed Force

Celiac disease in an Armed Force



Introduction and objective.Celiac disease (CD) affects the 1% of the general population worldwide. Because of its clinical variability, roughly the 70% of CD patients are not correctly diagnosed and not adequately treated. Active military personnel represent an interesting cohort for a CD screening. Upon the enrollment in the Armed Forces, a complete health check is carried out to exclude any diseases. Aim of the present work is to assess the CD prevalence among the personnel of Carabinieri Corps, an Italian armed force, through a serological screening.Results and discussion. Out of 291 militaries (281 M, 10 F age range: 18.2-61.5) enrolled, 2 resulted affected by CD (prevalence: 0.7%); 1 to have high serological anti-TG and EMA level without duodenal mucosal lesions and 1 to have high serological anti-TG, but not EMA. Conclusion. These results show that the CD prevalence among a cohort of Italian militaries is similar to that of the general population.

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Mariateresa Panici

Olimpia Vincentini

Sara Ciardi

Italo De Vitis

Serafino Ricci

Elena Bartoccioni

Marco Silano

How to Cite
Panici, M., Vincentini, O., Ciardi, S., De Vitis, I., Ricci, S., Bartoccioni, E., & Silano, M. (2021). Screening for celiac disease among the personnel in active service of an Italian Armed Force : Celiac disease in an Armed Force . Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 57(2). Retrieved from
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