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Smoking prevalence among healthcare workers in Italy, PASSI surveillance system data, 2014-2018



Introduction. Data on smoking among Italian Health Personnel (HP) from PASSI surveillance system from 2014-2018 were analysed. Materials and methods. Among 169,678 working-age respondents, smoking prevalence was estimated among 1,253 Medical Doctors (MDs), 4,840 Non-Medical HP (NMHP), 87,749 Non-HP (NHP) and multivariate analysis was conducted. Results. Current smokers were 23.0% among HP. Smoking prevalence in MDs (16.0%) was significantly lower than those observed in NMHP (25.3%) and NHP (28.6%). A declining trend was detected in all three groups and was more evident among MDs: from 20.8% in 2014 to 11.5% in 2018. Amongst MDs, smoking was significantly associated with male gender (Adjusted Odds Ratio, AdjOR=1.61), younger age (AdjOR=2.00), residing in South (AdjOR=1.71). Among NMHP, smoking prevalence was associated with low economic condition (AdjOR=1.54) and non-university education. Discussion and conclusions. To further reduce smoking in HP, it is necessary to develop specific training courses in educational curricula.



Valentina Minardi - ISS

Paolo D'Argenio - Tabacco Endgame Italia

Rosaria Gallo - Azienda Sanitaria Locale “Città di Torno”, Torino, Italia

Valentina Possenti - Centro nazionale per la prevenzione delle malattie e la promozione della salute, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italia

Benedetta Contoli - Centro nazionale per la prevenzione delle malattie e la promozione della salute, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italia

Giuliano Carrozzi - Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica, AUSL Modena, Italia

Maria Sofia Cattaruzza - Dipartimento di Sanità Pubblica e Malattie Infettive, Università degli studi “La Sapienza”, Roma, Italia

Maria Masocco - Centro nazionale per la prevenzione delle malattie e la promozione della salute, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma, Italia

Giuseppe Gorini - Istituto per lo studio, la prevenzione e la rete oncologica (ISPRO), Firenze, Italia

How to Cite
Minardi, V., D'Argenio, P., Gallo, R., Possenti, V., Contoli, B., Carrozzi, G., Cattaruzza, M. S., Masocco, M., & Gorini, G. (2021). Smoking prevalence among healthcare workers in Italy, PASSI surveillance system data, 2014-2018. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 57(2), 151–160. Retrieved from
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