Clinical practice guideline for the integrated management of major trauma by the Italian Institute of Health: process and methods

Clinical practice guideline for the integrated management of major trauma



Background: Major trauma describes serious injuries requiring lifesaving interventions or resulting in long-term disability; it represents about 8% of all deaths worldwide. Specific guidelines can help reduce deaths and disabilities, provided they adhere to high quality and trustworthiness standards. This article aims at introducing the development process of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) guideline for major trauma integrated management.

Methods: We applied the ISS methodological standards including the GRADE-ADOLOPMENT approach for adoption, adaptation, and de novo development of trustworthy guidelines.

Results: The scope was formulated by the multidisciplinary panel with stakeholders’ involvement; two guidelines were identified as appropriate sources for adolopment. Forty questions from the two source guidelines were prioritized and five new ones formulated. New systematic reviews or updates were conducted for each clinical question, Evidence to Decision frameworks developed or re-assessed, and the recommendations formulated after public consultations and external review. The policy on conflicts of interest was applied throughout the process.

Conclusions: Through a broad expertise representation, the early and wide stakeholders’ participation, a continual process for disclosure and management of conflict of interests, and the transparency of the process, ISS standards are proving to be an efficient model for developing trustworthy clinical guidance.


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Alice Josephine Fauci - Istituto superiore di sanità

Daniela Coclite - Istituto superiore di sanità

Antonello Napoletano - Istituto superiore di sanità

Daniela D'Angelo - Istituto Superiore di sanità

Annalisa Biffi - University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan

Greta Castellini - Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy

Silvia Gianola - Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Milan, Italy

Laura Iacorossi - Istituto superiore di sanità

Roberto Latina - Istituto superiore di sanità

Gloria Porcu - University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan

Katia Salomone - Istituto superiore di sanità

Osvaldo Chiara - ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, University of Milan, Milano, Piazza Ospedale Maggiore 3, 20162 Milan, Italy

Primiano Iannone - Istituto superiore di sanità

Italian National Institute of Health Guideline Working Group on Major Trauma

How to Cite
Fauci, A. J., Coclite, D., Napoletano, A., D'Angelo, D., Biffi, A., Castellini, G., … Guideline Working Group on Major Trauma, I. N. I. of H. (2021). Clinical practice guideline for the integrated management of major trauma by the Italian Institute of Health: process and methods: Clinical practice guideline for the integrated management of major trauma . Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 57(4), 343–351. Retrieved from
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