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Foodborne botulism associated with home-preserved turnip tops in Italy



In Italy, foodborne botulism is a rare disease mainly due to home-preserved food. In

the case reported here, clinical diagnosis was performed on the basis of clinical signs

and referred consumption of home-preserved turnip tops in oil. Definitive diagnosis was

performed by detection of botulinum toxin in sera and neuro-toxigenic organisms in

stools and leftover food. This case report highlights the need of a high medical awareness,

prompt clinical diagnosis, and synergic collaboration among the health authorities for a

correct management of botulism as well as disease containment.



Fabrizio Anniballi

Elisa Chironna

Sara Astegiano

Bruna Auricchio

Giuseppina Buonincontro

Maria Corvonato

Vincenzo Segala Segala

Giuseppina Mandarino Mandarino

Dario De Medici

Lucia Decastelli

How to Cite
Anniballi, F., Chironna, E., Astegiano, S., Auricchio, B., Buonincontro, G., Corvonato, M., Segala, V. S., Mandarino, G. M., De Medici, D., & Decastelli, L. (2015). Foodborne botulism associated with home-preserved turnip tops in Italy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 51(1), 60–61. Retrieved from
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