Mortality of people with AIDS in Italy: comparison of AIDS surveillance and multiple cause-of-death registries
Francesco Grippo, Enrico Grande, Antonella Zucchetto, Luisa Frova, Marilena Pappagallo, Lucia Pugliese, Vincenza Regine, Diego Serraino, Martina Taborelli, Barbara Suligoi
Aims. To assess whether the use of multiple cause-of-death data could improve reporting of AIDS mortality in Italy.
Method. Population-based, record-linkage study, on 3,975,431 deaths recorded in the National Registry of Causes of Death (RCoD) and 4,530 deaths recorded in the National AIDS Registry (RAIDS), during 2006-2012.
Results. The record-linkage identified 3,646 AIDS-related deaths present in both registries, 884 deaths in the RAIDS without mention of HIV/AIDS in the RCoD, and 3,796 deaths in the RCoD with mention of HIV/AIDS that were not present in the RAIDS. In the latter, in-depth analysis of multiple cause-of-death allowed the identification of 1,484 deaths that were AIDS-related. On these results, we estimated 6,014 deceased people with AIDS. Of them, 14.7% (884) were not present in the RCoD and 24.7% (1,484) derived from the RCoD only.
Conclusions. The integration of different nationwide registries allowed a more comprehensive
estimate of the impact of AIDS-associated mortality in Italy.