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Health Belief Model efficacy in explaining and predicting intention or uptake influenza vaccination during pregnancy
Introduction. The influenza vaccination is a priority during pregnancy due to infection-related-outcomes. The study aim is to assess the acceptance by women of influenza vaccination during pregnancy based on Health Belief Model (HBM).
Methods. A multicentre observational study was carried out with a convenience sample of 300 respondents.
Results. Most women (53.7%) declared that they worried to contract influenza during pregnancy and 80.7% of them agreed that there is a risk of contracting influenza during the first months of life. Vaccine benefits (ORa 4.3 CI 95% 1.7-10.9 p<0.01), information on vaccination (ORa 2.6 CI 95% 1.2-5.5 p<0.01) and trust in guidelines (ORa 3.5 CI 95% 1.6-7.3 p<0.01) are some factors associated with intent/vaccination during pregnancy.
Conclusions. HBM confirms its effectiveness in explaining/predicting health behaviours. It’s necessary to create trust in the vaccinations trough an integrated work of health professionals to set up training programs and to provide effective health communication.
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How to Cite
Zambri, F., Quattrini, A., Perilli, I., Spila Alegiani, S., Marchetti, F., Colaceci, S., & Giusti, A. (2022). Health Belief Model efficacy in explaining and predicting intention or uptake influenza vaccination during pregnancy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 58(4), 285–292. Retrieved from
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