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Sexual behaviours and preconception health in Italian university students



Introduction. Risky sexual behaviours have been recognized as a threat for sexual and reproductive health. Aim. This article shows the results of the “Sportello Salute Giovani” project (“Youth Health Information Desk”) in relation to determining how a large sample of university students in Italy cope with preconception health, especially in the domains of sexual transmitted infections (STIs), fertility and vaccination preventable disease. Methods. Twentythree questions of the “Sportello Salute Giovani” survey about sexual behaviour and reproductive health were analysed. Besides, results were stratified for sex, age class and socio-economic status. Results. 19.7% of students have had first sexual intercourse before age 15. 21.8% of female students used emergency contraception. 66.4% of the 74.0% sexual active students reported using contraceptives, but about 32% of them used methods ineffective against STIs. A general low coverage for rubella, measles and mumps vaccination was revealed. 63.7% of men and 30.9% of woman never had urologic or gynaecological examinations. Discussion. Overall, young adults in Italy are not still enough sensitized on fertility and preconception care. High schools and universities should increase



Andrea Poscia

Daniele Ignazio La Milia

Franziska Lohmeyer

Adele Anna Teleman

Chiara de Waure

Walter Ricciardi

How to Cite
Poscia, A., La Milia, D. I., Lohmeyer, F., Teleman, A. A., de Waure, C., & Ricciardi, W. (2015). Sexual behaviours and preconception health in Italian university students. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 51(2), 116–120. Retrieved from
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