The priority of Antonino D’Antona in describing rhabdomyolysis with acute kidney injury, following the Messina earthquake (December 28, 1908)
Natale Gaspare De Santo, Carmela Bisaccia, Luca Salvatore De Santo
Following the Messina-Reggio Calabria earthquake (December 28, 1908) outstanding medical reports were published by Franz von Colmers (1875-1960), Antonino D’Antona (1842-1913), and Rocco Caminiti (1868-1940). The reports of D’Antona and Caminiti were heretofore neglected. Colmers, D’Antona and Caminiti described crush-syndrome. D’Antona who cured patients in shock also described two deaths due to uraemia. This gives him a priority in the description of crush syn