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The professional quality criteria of Italian breast screening radiologists: results from a national survey comparing the programmes started in 2000-2012versus the ones started in 1990-1999
Introduction. In Italy, because of increasing health care budget and staff shortages, the most recent local mammography screening programmes have been established under poorer conditions compared with earlier programmes.
Methods. Using data from a national questionnaire survey, we made a comparison of main professional characteristics between the radiologists working in programmes established in 2000-2012 and those working in programmes established in 1990-1999.
Results. The former reported more years of experience and a greater clinical mammogram reading volume. Conversely, they dedicated less working time to breast imaging, and were less likely to participate in the diagnostic assessment of screen-detected lesions, to work in large-staffed screening centres, and to have a screening and a total (screening and clinical) mammogram reading volume ≥5000 per year.
Conclusion. Most of major experience-related characteristics of Italian mammography screening radiologists have deteriorated over time.
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Morrone, D., Giordano, L., Artuso, F., Bernardi, D., Fedata, C., Frigerio, A., Giorgi, D., Naldoni, C., Saguatti, G., Severi, D., Taffurelli, M., Terribile, D., Ventura, L., & Bucchi, L. (2017). The professional quality criteria of Italian breast screening radiologists: results from a national survey comparing the programmes started in 2000-2012versus the ones started in 1990-1999. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 53(2), 163–166. Retrieved from
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