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Healthcare organizational performance: why changing the culture really matters



An organization may be considered as having three components: a structure, systems and culture. Culture is the most difficult part of the organization to affect. After all, culture has the key role in impacting and improving rganizational performance. The leadership of an organization and its key operations are paramount in shaping the culture. Leadership and organizational culture are inextricably intertwined. They are two sides of the same coin. Culture is a medium through which leadership travels and impacts organizational erformance. If leaders are to fulfil the challenges of the 21st century, they must first understand the dynamics of culture and their role as sculptors through behavioural and cognitive ways.



Elena Azzolini - Istituto di Sanità Pubblica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome

Walter Ricciardi - President, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Rome

Muir Gray - Value Based Healthcare Programme, University of Oxford, Oxford

How to Cite
Azzolini, E., Ricciardi, W., & Gray, M. (2018). Healthcare organizational performance: why changing the culture really matters. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 54(1), 6–8. Retrieved from
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