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Psycho-educational group therapy in acute psychiatric units: Creating a psychosocial culture. An update of spread and effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention in Italian psychiatric wards



The implementation of a Cognitive-Behavioural Group Intervention (CBGI) in Italian general hospital psychiatric units started in the years 2000-2001 in two Italian regions. Over the years it has became more and more popular also in other psychiatric units located in the rest of the country. Based on the "stress-vulnerability-coping" theory, the CBGI is a replicable and innovative psychosocial intervention that promotes the active involvement of inpatients in decisions concerning their individual objectives and care. In the present article, the authors briefly describe this intervention and the main findings regarding its implementation in several psychiatric units in different Regions of Italy. The authors emphasize that such a psychosocial approach to inpatient care is needed because it can produce improved clinical outcomes, reduction in untoward events and increased staff and inpatient satisfaction. However, its introduction and use still represents a major cultural and managerial challenge in our country.



Antonella Gigantesco - Istituto Superiore di Sanità

Cristina Pontarelli

Franco Veltro

CBGI Italian Study Group

How to Cite
Gigantesco, A., Pontarelli, C., Veltro, F., & Group, C. I. S. (2018). Psycho-educational group therapy in acute psychiatric units: Creating a psychosocial culture. An update of spread and effectiveness of a psychosocial intervention in Italian psychiatric wards. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 54(4), 272–283. Retrieved from
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