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Tuberculosis outbreak in a grammar school, Serbia, 2016



Serbia has a low incidence of tuberculosis (TB), with a decreasing trend in the last decade. The purpose of this manuscript is to describe an outbreak of TB infection that occurred in 2016 among students of a grammar school in Novi Pazar. February and November 2016. A 17-year-old girl, third-grade student of a grammar school (the index case), was diagnosed with smear-positive tuberculosis. Contact investigation was conducted, including chest X-ray examinations of over 1100 persons. After the index case was detected, a total of 16 (10 pulmonary and 6 extrapulmonary) tuberculosis patients were newly diagnosed during 2016. Among 11 culture positive cases, MIRU-VNTR method revealed that all Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates were identical. Diagnostic delay contributed to the transmission of infection.



Milena Ilic

Sefadil Spahic

Mirsada Spahic

Omer Spahic

Irena Ilic

Branislav Tiodorovic

How to Cite
Ilic, M., Spahic, S., Spahic, M., Spahic, O., Ilic, I., & Tiodorovic, B. (2019). Tuberculosis outbreak in a grammar school, Serbia, 2016. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 55(1), 55–58. Retrieved from
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