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Measles in Italy, laboratory surveillance activity during 2010



Introduction. The European Regional Office of the World Health Organization (WHO/Europe) developed a strategic approach to stop the indigenous transmission of measles in its 53 Member States by 2015. This study describes the measles laboratory surveillance activity performed by the National Reference Laboratory for Measles and Rubella at the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità) during 2010.
Methods. Urine, oral fluid and capillary blood samples from 211 suspected measles cases arrived to the NRL from different regions of Italy for confirmation of the clinical diagnosis. Serological and/or molecular assays were performed; after molecular detection, positive samples were sequenced and genotyped.
Results and discussion. 85% (180/211) of the specimens were confirmed as measles cases and 139 of these were analyzed phylogenetically. The phylogenetic analysis revealed a co-circulation of D4 and D8 genotypes for the reviewed period.



Claudia Fortuna

Melissa Baggieri

Antonella Marchi

Eleonora Benedetti

Paola Bucci

Martina Del Manso

Silvia Declich

Stefania Iannazzo

Maria Grazia Pompa

Loredana Nicoletti

Fabio Magurano

How to Cite
Fortuna, C., Baggieri, M., Marchi, A., Benedetti, E., Bucci, P., Del Manso, M., Declich, S., Iannazzo, S., Pompa, M. G., Nicoletti, L., & Magurano, F. (2014). Measles in Italy, laboratory surveillance activity during 2010. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 50(4), 341–344. Retrieved from
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