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How are the temporary workers? Quality of life and burn-out in a call center temporary employment in Italy: a pilot observational study



Objectives. The aim of this study was to quantify the level of health related quality of life  and burnout in a call centers sample of precarious workers.
Methods. An observational study was carried out in Italy. A self-reported anonymous  questionnaire was administered totemporary workers in order to estimate burn-out and  quality of life levels.
Results. 227 questionnaires were collected. 78% of the sample was female and the mean  age  was  35.48  years  (SD  =  9.91).  Among  the  participants,  40%  were  smokers,  42%  regularly drinkers, 65% changed the body weight (more than 5 kg, in 1 year). The  mental  component  score  (MCS)  was  significantly  better  in  subject  that  have  a  regularly life style, for example in those no change their body weight (p = 0.001), sleep  more than 7 hours (p = 0.018) and followed a diet (p = 0.035). The DP (depersonalization)  is significant higher in former smokers (p = 0.031), in underweight subjects (p = 0.025)  and in the group that have a precarious employment of over 2 years (p = 0.013).
Conclusions. This investigation shows that in this particular category of atypical workers  depressive symptoms and quality of life were lower than the general population. It is  important  to  underline  that  the  interpretation  of  the  results  is  limited  partly  by  the  observational character of the study.




Alice Mannocci

Alessio Natali

Vittoria Colamesta

Antonio Boccia

Giuseppe La Torre

How to Cite
Mannocci, A., Natali, A., Colamesta, V., Boccia, A., & La Torre, G. (2014). How are the temporary workers? Quality of life and burn-out in a call center temporary employment in Italy: a pilot observational study. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 50(2), 153–159. Retrieved from
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