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What death is. A literary approach between fears and hope



 Men “cannot link the beginning with the end that is to follow the circular path of motion which is followed by divine stars” (Alcmeon of Croton, 510?-440 BC).
“Lifelong one should learn the art of living, lifelong one should learn to die”  “Death chases me, life eludes me. Teach me how to handle the situation.
Help me to escape death, help me to keep life, prolong my short time. Teach me that the value of life does not consist in his duration, but in its use”.

(Lucius Anneus Seneca, 4 BC or 4 AD?- 65AD).



Natale Gaspare De Santo

How to Cite
De Santo, N. G. (2014). What death is. A literary approach between fears and hope. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 50(3), 249–265. Retrieved from
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