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A web-based tumor registration system for a regional Canine Cancer Registry in Umbria, central Italy
The Umbria Canine Cancer Registry (CCR) is a web-based platform for cancer registration
set up in order to estimate the incidence of spontaneous tumors. It is an integral
part of the regional canine demographic registry in which veterinary practitioners and
pathologists interact. Veterinary pathologists perform double-blind comparisons and
classify neoplasms in an automated classification process using the WHO criteria for
canine neoplasms and the ICD-O tumor topographical and morphological keys. Here
we describe the organization, on-line procedures and the methods used to assess canine
demography, a pre-requisite for accurately estimating the incidence of cancer.
In its first 4 years the CCR recruited 4857 cases of suspected tumors, as diagnosed by
practitioners, clinics and a veterinary hospital. After the first year the number of enrolled
cases increased by 63%, suggesting growing interest from the regional veterinary
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How to Cite
Manuali, E., Morgante, R. A., Maresca, C., Leonardi, L., Purificato, I., Giaimo, M. D., & Giovannini, G. (2019). A web-based tumor registration system for a regional Canine Cancer Registry in Umbria, central Italy. Annali dell’Istituto Superiore Di Sanità, 55(4), 357–362. Retrieved from
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